Five Quick Facts…

Five Quick Facts About the Proposed Power Towers

Each overhead route would cost county residents and businesses tens of millions of dollars — and threaten billions of dollars of the county’s tax base.

In fact, the “New Road” alternative would cost Prince William County between $1.14 million – $4.38 million annually in lost property tax revenue.

Two overhead route alternatives — the “Western” and “New Road” options — would devour 152 and 177 acres of Rural Crescent landscapes.

The herbicides Dominion Power would use to clear vegetation under Amazon’s overhead power towers will kill millions of honey bees, destroy fish and other wildlife habitats and pollute the Chesapeake Bay.

Dominion’s own documents show that the “I-66 Hybrid” alternative — which would partially bury a transmission line along Interstate 66 — would be far less environmentally disruptive than the above ground routes.