Coalition email: Alert! CRITICAL UPDATES



ALERT! – Confirmation that route possibilities are Wide Open!

In answer to questions raised about the following statement made by Dominion to the SCC in their July 24th motion:

“…regarding the constructability of the Carver Road Route, or not, and/or proceed with any requests for variations to the Carver Road Route, or reconsideration of alternative noticed routes.”

Delegate Bob Marshall received a response on August 11, 2017 from Legislative Services attorneys in Richmond, which advised:

— All possible transmission line power tower route alternatives and variations for the proposed Haymarket project could be selected by the SCC.  These include the 7 route alternatives or variations outlined in the SCC’s Dec. 11, 2015 Notice of Hearing, as well as potentially the 5 additional route alternatives or variations also mapped out by Dominion.

However, all of western Prince William, including areas not previously designated for power line tower routes, could be open to power tower routes if Dominion were to file a new application, amend the original application, or request the SCC to consider another route.  In this instance, notice to affected landowners and publication in a local newspaper would be required.

These are the 12 route alternatives or variations which Dominion put forward for this project over the last 3+ years – but as stated above, anything is possible, everything is open:

I-66 Overhead Route

Jordan Lane Variation to the I-66 Overhead Route

Walmart Variation to the I-66 Overhead Route

Carver Road Route

Madison Route

I-66 Hybrid Route

Railroad Route

New Road Route – A

New Road Route – B

Northern Route

Western Route – A

Western Route – B

Disputing the alleged “need” for the lines is critical to protecting homeowners and businesses in western Prince William.

A phrase on the Archives Building in Washington, DC is most apt here:  “Eternal Vigilance is the price of Liberty.”